How to Use Video Marketing to Attract Clients

If you’re not yet using video to deliver a remarkable customer experience, here’s how your property management agency can use them to attract new clients.


When you attract, you’re turning strangers online into visitors to your website. At this stage, potential clients who are property investors are identifying their challenges and deciding whether they should seek out a solution.

The videos you create should empathise with their problems and introduce a possible solution with your services.

Create short videos that showcase your brand’s personality, your vision and mission, or how-to videos that address the audience’s pain points.


Once you've attracted video viewers and website visitors, it’s time to convert these visitors into leads. This means collecting contact information with a form.

Video can aid this process by offering a solution to the buyer's problem. The goal of videos in the convert stage is to educate and excite.

The types of videos you can use here are a webinar with strategic advice, case studies and in-depth how-to videos.


At this point, the consumer is weighing their options and deciding on the purchase. So the goal of these videos is to make your audience visualise themselves successfully using your  service.

During this stage, you can provide testimonial videos or even personalised videos explaining how your services can help them.


Now that you’ve secured a new client, your goal is to continue providing remarkable content to users that add value to their experience with your service.

You also want your customers to tell their connections about their experience or promote your brand themselves. So, the goal of this type of video is to encourage your customers to embrace your brand and become brand evangelists.

You can send them a personalised thank you video, onboarding video and a whole library of educational courses.

Are you ready to create a growing and profitable property agency or want to develop a highly effective marketing strategy? To book your FREE 30-minute discovery, email

Lauren Robinson